Healing crystals harness energy from natural sources, conjuncted with the Earth and the Universe. They connect us to the energy of the Earth as soon as we come in contact with them. Through the crystal therapy, all dimensions of situation, that cause problems in one’s life, is highlighted and revealed. Whether that be on personal or business level, as well as on the matter of physical and mental health. Issues and troubles of the relationships with others are revealed as well. Crystals offer help with all of these situations and they are able to show the paths leading to their solution. Thus, they deliver a gift that is sent to us through these situations by the Universe. Crystal, revealed through therapy, offers a meditation on given energy as well. This way, we lift our vibration and slip easily through the changes. In order to lay new foundations in our life, it is necessary to demolish the old structures first. These structures contain old beliefs, as well as old emotional and behavioral patterns. By removing these beliefs and patterns, we also clarify thoughts, and the clarity of thought is crucial to laying new foundations.